Editorial Design

A global report on peace, justice and inclusion


Client: Global Alliance — UNDP, UN Women, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNODC and OHCHR
Timeframe: 3 months


About this project

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were outlined by the United Nations as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all people and the world by 2030.

This report reviews the global progress on the SDG #16, which focuses on the advancement of peace, justice and inclusion. It also highlights how progress on these matters can hinder or facilitate other goals in the 2030 Agenda.

I was commissioned with the graphic design of this publication, titled Enabling the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda through SDG 16+, coordinated by UNDP and developed by the Global Alliance for the High Level Political Forum.


Icons and infographics

I designed a set of icons and infographics, which are applied throughout the report to:

  1. Identify the 3 main topics, peace, justice and inclusion, as well as their 9 sub-elements.

  2. Visualize key trends.

  3. Highlight the 12 recommendations.

  4. Represent the connection between SDG 16 and other global goals.


1. The elements of Peace, Justice and Inclusion

The iconography helps signpost the 3 main topics and their elements along the document.

In some occasions these icons also indicate the connections between an element and other goals. For example, to "end discrimination and promote equality” is a part of the Justice dimension of SDG 16, but it's also related to the SDG 5—to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls.

These interlinkages are represented with the standard SDG color code for easy recognition.


2. Key trends

In the first section of the report, a series of infographics help visualize key facts and figures.


3. Recommendations

The next set of icons highlight the 12 recommendations from the report for governments and policy makers.

The green and blue boxes contain country case studies and best practices, categorized according to their information sources.


4. How SDGs may impact each other

The last set of infographics illustrate the relationship between elements of SDG 16 and other goals in the 2030 Agenda.

For example, the following image shows how the impact of Climate Change (SDG 13) can hinder Peace, while the image below shows how elements of Justice can support Economic Growth (SDG 8).